Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Alice Cat vs. The World

Recently, my roommate and I made the decision to bring Alice Cat into the house on a permanent basis.  She's been an indoor/outdoor cat for about three years now.  When we met her, she was a stray and didn't want to be touched. Over time, we've earned her trust and she started to see this as her home. She just didn't want to be inside all the time.

However, a lot of stuff has changed. For one thing, we have a lot more children roaming the neighborhood. I don't trust them, especially not with a vulnerable and unusual looking cat like Alice. She also has a bad case of 'gimp eye' and it's easier to treat it when she's indoors. Over all, this is a much safer arrangement for her.

It is not, however, an arrangement Alice agreed to. Alice liked her independence and loved going outside where she could rule the world, fight with Black Tail, and     hunt down small animals. She enjoyed her status as a badass and finds being a kept kitty beneath her.  Understandably, she has decided to make her displeasure known.

One of the ways she does this is by pissing all over the laundry room. We have a litterbox that gets cleaned every day. She knows how to use it and does. However, as a way of protesting her confinement, she now takes a least one giant piss all over the floor.  This honestly wouldn't be so bad but the floor in the laundry room is wonky and tilts. . . somehow in every direction . . . so the urine goes everywhere.

So today when I was back there, I thought I cleaned up all of it. I missed some though and slipped, twisting the knee that was twisted last year when I slid on the scratching pad we have for the cats. It seems part of my being a crazy cat lady involves knee injury. I'm not really happy about that part.

However, I'm trying to be Zen about this, because, honestly, I probably had it coming. See, almost every day when I walk, Alice is in the window. I always smirk at her and wave. Now that I have a little more stamina, I usually tell her hi as well. The other day, I mockingly told her that I got to go outside and she didn't.

My guess is that she watched this, glowered at me, and prayed to Bast that something happen that would put me back in my place. And what do you know? It worked.

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