Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Updations

Ten days into June and no AC yet! I'm so happy about this. I don't think we'll be able to make it until the end of the month, but this is awesome.  The longer we can go without AC, the lower the overall electric bill stays.  Right now, we need that. Trust.

I'm slowly getting past my sickness, but it's not been easy. I managed to write some today and sweep some stuff. The sweeping caused a lot of sneezery and snot, but oh well. At least I was able to do it. Makes me happy.

My major problem with summer right now is the damned bugs. We have, more or less, a handle on the fleas. It's all the other bugs that are being annoying now.  At least once a day, we have to chase some wasp out of the house. One fan had a Huntsman spider in it.  Oh, and there are the billion little bugs that keep trying to dance on my monitor.

I have yet to deal with any of my stalkers. Yes, I have stalker bugs.  June bugs have this problem with somehow getting into my room and dying near me. Or not dying.  When we lived in the trailer, I didn't have a screen on my window. Sometimes, I would have to open it anyway, because it was just so damned hot. The June bugs would fly into my hair, careful not to get to close to my scalp so I could feel them, and just latch on.  Once, I saw them, I would freak out . . . because I hate me some bugs almost as much as I hate mice.

My roommate thinks this is really funny and calls me Queen of the June bugs. He claims that if the house is ever torn down, all of the area under my room will be one big  June bug cemetery. It's better than a million mice skeletons, but it's still a pretty horrifying thought.

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