Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Annoyances and Fangirl Happies

I had one of those mornings where nothing went well. Just about everything fell as I was showing . . . okay, I didn't fall myself, but everything else did. Between all the picking stuff up and cursing, my shower took twice as long as it should have. Then on the way to see my best friend, we got behind every slow human in the region. For those of you who no longer live in the boondocks, consider how annoying this is on a 2 lane highway.

Wow, when I was typing boondocks, I typed boobcocks. What in hell is wrong with me?

Anyway, after all the mishaps, I ended up at my friend's house about half an hour late. Seriously wasn't my morning. The rest of the day was great though. I ate sushi and we watched Battles BC.  I absolutely love ancient battles, mostly because I'm an Alexander the Great fangirl. I romanticize his life so much. I could write pages of fanfics about him and . . . well, a lot of people.

We watched probably five hours of that and I had a completely glorious time.  The guy they got to play Alexander on his episode was quite hot, which made me deeply happy. I'm smiling just thinking about it.

Oh!  They also mentioned something that my brain must have just forced me to forget so I wouldn't obsess about it constantly. When Alexander died,  there is a rumor that he was taken to Egypt, as he was, among other titles, Pharaoh.  According to legend, he was placed in a crystal sarcophagus.  Squee! That's just so deeply thrilling.

I hope they entombed Hephastian with him.

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