Friday, September 28, 2012

On the Mend . . . with Goals . . . and Slugs!

I am pleased to report I believe I am on the mend. I actually wanted something to eat today besides dairy! I also managed to do core work on my exercise ball. Okay, admittedly only less than ten minutes on the ball, but that is far better than the two days before.  I was just too dizzy to even try.

Still, it's frustrating that the sickness put my plans on hold. I had five goals for the week and managed to accomplish NONE of them. I'm thinking maybe the problem is that I should try and put more emphasis on stuff like that in the blog. So, here it goes.

For the first week of October, as in next week, I have the following five goals.

  1. Do walking, core work, and steps every day. 
  2. Edit a chapter of the book . . . why yes, there IS a book.
  3. Call my father.
  4. Get my hair cut.
  5. Listen to that frequency stuff every night. 
You would think I could have managed to at least do ONE of the last three, but no. Then again, when I'm sick, I don't want to talk on the phone. I really didn't think I could sit through a hair cut. I'm also not sure that my level of dizziness could have handled the frequency stuff. My paranoid brain is actually wondering if my night OF listening to it is what sparked this bout of sickness in the first place.

My roommate heard noise on the front porch earlier. I have no idea what actually made the noise because I'm too disturbed by what he said he saw out there. It seems our porch was covered in about thirty very large slugs. Just...........eeeeewww. Nasty slugs.

I really hope that image isn't in my dreams tonight.

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