Sunday, September 23, 2012

Start of a New Week

One of our fans died (the kind that makes the room cooler, not the kind  that supports you and reads your blog) which meant we had to go to the store a day early. This turned out to be awesome because there were several sales my roommate caught that would have been gone by tomorrow. Really, really good sales. It made me a happy person.

Today was a lot of fun, really. It's finally starting to get cold enough to pull blankets out into the living room. The cats always assume this is just for them, but if they get some benefit out of it, lovely. We get entertainment out of it, as one of the cats was whacking another, shorter tempered cat in the face with her tail. She still has a tail, though I'm somewhat surprised by that.

I'm wanting to do some new stuff this fall. I have been happy with the progress I've been making on a physical level and I want to see what else I can manage to change. I think I want to explore some things people have told me about or I've read about.  The first one is going to be about sound. I'm experimenting with some frequency therapy stuff. I'm going to listen to it for a week and see if I notice any changes. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Okay, this sounds more sophisticated than it is. I'll be listening to frequency stuff on Youtube with my headphones on. If you're interested in trying it, this is the first one I'll be listening to. It's supposed to help you release serotonin.

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