Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Sickness Report and Media Musings

I am pleased to report I seem to be almost 80ish% better. Stupid sinus hell really did me in this time though. It's been a rough week. I'm still having some issues, but things are looking up. I'm not sure I'll be back to full force workouts this week, but I will be back to more-ish workouts. Ish.

Anyway, I'm very pleased to know that Game of Thrones is dividing A Storm of Swords into two seasons of television. Of all the books so far, this one is the most densely packed with events. One of the absolute defining moments in the book happens about half way through it and would be a good place to end a season. It will also be good on an emotional level because this specific event is very shocking and painful and people will probably need a year or so to recover.

They're also having to play catch up as they weave in all the story lines and characters from A Clash of Kings that they left out of season two of the show.  One of the major problems with adapting a series of novels into a television show is that if you start making changes, even small ones, very soon you have a snowball of broken story line rolling down the mountain at you.  Somehow, you have to put everything back together or you'll lose the string that holds the story together.

A lot of TV shows have started their seasons and/or premiered. The roommate and I have checked out quite a few of the new shows and we're not finding anything we're keen to latch on to. In a lot of cases, it's simply been a matter of not really feeling there is enough substance to the show for it to be worth the trouble. In other cases, we just felt like the story has been done before, and better. I think some of the returning shows are on probation with us right now. We'll see how they develop. If they get better, awesome. If not . . . well, I'm sure we won't be the only people who stop watching.

Speaking of which, I have some stuff I need to finish watching. Then I'm off to bed for a night of sleeping under a blanket. Squee! I love this time of year.

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