Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bunny Revisited

I made another bunny. This time, I made some basic changed, most of which were discussed on my assessment of the last bunny. This time, I used a larger hook, changed the eyes to buttons, altered the size of the ears, and attached almost everything before stuffing and closing. The differences were pretty amazing. The bunny doesn't look like an alien . . . though I'm not sure he looks anymore like a bunny. He's less cumbersome, but somehow also less stable. His personality is vastly different from the first one.

Part of the problem was my yarn size. I went with a softer yarn this time because the first bunny's yarn was so very tight. This one had a softer, loose quality to it, but it also had a lot of space between the stitches. I ended up having to restitch a lot of it to make it to where the filling wouldn't show. I think if I do another one, it is going to have to have a much thicker yarn. There just isn't a way around that.

I think I'm also going to have to experiment on the body's shape. The pattern just ends up making it too narrow and I believe that is a lot of the reason why the bunnies have toppling issues. The tail helps, but even then it sits a bit wobbly. It wasn't until I attached the basket that it really found some stability. I'm thinking the body is going to have to be wider. It needs more bulk towards the bottom as a way to keep the bunny balanced.

However, it was very useful to make the changes I did. A lot of the kinks from the first one were worked out. The second one has quite a lot of stuff working in its favor and I'm happy about that. Here's looking at bunny number three.

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