Saturday, April 5, 2014

Stop Starts

Yesterday it was warm and my roommate decided to wash all of the winter blankets and put them away. It got very cold in the middle of the night and has stayed cold ever since. Half of the blankets have already been put into storage. Most of the rest of them are piled up by the window, ready to be placed in the storage trunk as soon as possible.

As soon as possible did not turn out to be today. Even if my roommate had wanted to put them away, he couldn't have. The cats found the pile of blankets . . . and decided it was their new home. During part of the day, they would sleep on top of the pile. At other points, they would bury themselves between the layers of blankets. Every time one of us would go near the pile, we'd get dirty looks. It was their new castle. We'd best stay away.

We also experienced a minor scare today. Last night, a boil order notice had gone out for people in our area, but not in our town. This morning when we went to Walmart, it seemed that the order had expanded to include our town, which would have been fine had we not already drank the water, washed our hands with it, and brushed our teeth. It was a frightening drive home as we considered the possibilities of what this might cause. No one wants to get sick from nasty water.

However, when we got home, we found out that the boil order had been lifted. The water was tested again and proved to be clean. Yay! No boiling! No sickness. No finding a giant worm in the toilet ten years from now and wondering how it got there. With calmer minds and less potentially deadly circumstances, we continued our day, watching the cats lounge on the piles of blankets.

We may never get those blankets back.

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