Monday, April 21, 2014

Making the Most of What we Have

My roommate and I have Netflix and a Roku. We've had them for a while but usually don't do much with the Roku. It was a birthday gift from a few years ago and while we messed with it quite a lot at first, after a while, we just stopped. The remote messed up and it became a pain to use. Even after we replaced the remote, it still wasn't that easy to deal with.

Recently though, we started using it more.  Considering we have nights when there is nothing on TV that we wish to watch, we've opted to dedicate an hour or so to watching anime. Netflix has tons on there. Right now we're watching Bubblegum Crisis. We're most of the way through it. I'm thinking that for a while we'll stick with series that only have a limited number of episodes. This means we can concentrate on a series for a while and then move on.

We're both in agreement about this due to the Dragonball issue. Dragonball and its related shows have about 10,000 episodes. Many of these episodes involve long ass battles with long ass speeches. There could have been a lot of editing done. It didn't help that back when we were watching Dragonball, Cartoon Network would show about three episodes and then backtrack for about 50. Once you cycled through those old 50 episodes, you'd get about three more new ones. This process went on through the better part of the '90s.

So for now, it will be any anime that has a logical and complete number of episodes. Stories that may take a while, but still have a tight and urgent kind of plot. The only long form anime I would be interested in watching at this point is Full Metal Alchemist because when I was watching it the first time, it came on late at night and I was in the depths of my sleep apnea. I only remember bits and pieces of what happened. That may wait for a while though, because there are lots of other series to watch before then, short ones that we can knock out in a quick manner.

I'm glad we're doing this because I always feel better when I'm working with the stuff I already have around me. I may not be frugal in many ways, but if nothing else, I can at least take advantage of the things I already have instead of spending money on stuff I really don't need.

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