Wednesday, April 2, 2014

News and Actually Good News

My doctor's office called today and I have an appointment set to see the gynecologist. It's in less than two weeks and fairly early in the morning. I wasn't expecting the call and, quite honestly, didn't expect to see anyone until I'd seen my doctor again. The fact that this is happening is pretty exciting.

Normally when I have to go to the doctor, I'm pretty terrified. This is especially true when I'm meeting a new doctor. Actually, there are so many levels of possible nervousness here. I'm meeting a new doctor. I'm going to a place I don't know. People will stare at me. Comments will probably be made about my weight. I will have to do walking and I may get lost. I will probably have to show someone my vagina.

But you know what? I really don't care about all of that. No walking, staring, judging, commenting, or showing of vaginae is anywhere near as horrible as the hellblood. That situation was so absolutely horrible that the normal discomforts of going to a doctor seem very mild in comparison. This is certainly a time when I have gained a lot of perspective. So long as the hellblood is somehow stopped, I don't care what I have to do.

So I guess I'm one of those emotions that is the opposite of nervous. Calm. Serene. Relieved. You know, one of those. I'm usually not those things so I have trouble telling them apart. In any event, hopefully this time two weeks from now, I'll have some kind of plan in motion to put my Female Troubles to an end. That would be so, so nice.

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