Monday, April 28, 2014

What I Got

Due to the fact that I vindictively wished bad things on the motherfucker machine during the storm, what I got instead was three hours without electricity. This is never so bad when it's cooler weather and daylight hours. Of course, the power rarely goes out during cool weather and daylight hours. It always wants to go out when it's muggy and pitch black outside.

My roommate and I sat in the living room, waiting for things to come back on. We had candles lit and some flashlights to help us see when we needed to walk through the rest of the house. The cats all clustered around us because they freak out when it's dark in the living room and we are still in there. They really don't like it when their patterns are disrupted. I don't blame them. I don't like it when my patterns are disrupted either.

That's happening a lot of late. I've been having some medical appointments and they're disrupting my usual days and patterns. My roommate asked me today how I felt about it and I ranted about how it makes me angry. He reminded me that it was needful and he's completely right. It's just difficult for me. I'm not completely agoraphobic and introverted, but I'm pretty close.  Meeting new people and going to new places, places far out of my comfort zone, is never easy for me. To have to do it again and again is taxing. I'm just hoping I don't emotionally shut down before this is all over.

I had some positive news today. I'm not really ready to talk about all the details yet, but when I am, I'll discuss the whole ordeal. Until that point, I'll keep blogging about other stuffs. Maybe tomorrow night I'll talk about Drag Race.

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