Saturday, August 16, 2014

I Have Nothing to Sell

I walked this morning, but due to some issues of comfort, I opted to forgo the second walk in favor of another round of pedaling.  By the way, I only just now got paranoid about my word usage there. For the last several days, people probably think I've been roaming the countryside, trying to sell goods. I'm sure this was very confusing, as it implies I am both being fairly physical and making money. These things are basically unheard of when it comes to me.

I guess if I were peddling (as I have been claiming), I would probably be selling yarn crafted items. The problem being, since the surgeries, I really haven't felt like making anything. Honestly, I guess right now,  the best I would have to sell is balls of yarn. Now that would be interesting. I could roam the countryside, selling half-used balls of yarn. I'm sure I'd make enough money to . . . starve.

You know, come to think of it, my ignorant word choice has given rise to some even more interesting confessions. I think, a time or two, I may have written that I was 'using the peddler,' which, of course, implies there is someone else who happens to be roaming the countryside and selling things and I am using him (or her) for some purpose. Given that I am usually discussing sweaty workouts, one can only imagine what I would be doing to this poor peddler.

See, this is  the problem with being a bad speller and having spell check that doesn't understand the context of your sentence. It just goes to show that I should be more aggressive about my editing. Of course, if I fail to do this, it means you get treated to days upon days of my mistakes. It also means you get to imagine me doing all kinds of strange things. And given that this is me, I'm guessing imagining wickedness sounds more fun.

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