Monday, August 11, 2014

Oh Captain, my Captain

At one point today, my FB feed suddenly became a constant outpouring of news about Robin Williams' death. It was shocking to discover this happened and almost a little overwhelming to see the amount of emotion it caused. Robin Williams meant a lot to many people. He was a brilliant actor, a gifted comic, and a fixture in the psyche of many people.

I am old enough to remember him on Mork and Mindy. He was such an oddball character, perfectly suited to be an alien. I don't think a lot of us realized at the time that much of this was how Robin was quite often. As I got older, his career path widened. People discovered he was not only funny, but quite amazing when doing serious roles.  Mind you, Robin did some pretty awful films as well, but I think he did more memorable ones that bad ones. Hell, even some of the bad ones are pretty memorable.

Last year, he returned to television again and did a sitcom called The Crazy Ones. I liked it a lot. It wasn't perfect, but it had a lot of potential. Watching Robin Williams and Brad Garrett play off each other was a lot of fun. They had beautiful timing. The show was canceled and very soon it was reported that Williams was going to rehab. And then . . . this.

I'm going to miss him. He's been part of my life as long as I can remember. Mad, brilliant, soulful, and always, very clearly tortured. I hope he finds peace.

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