Saturday, August 23, 2014

Unnecessary Roughness

Today it was six billion degrees outside and both of my walks were hellish. I did them, but they weren't fun. To be honest, while it was hotter the second round, it was actually less hellish because the humidity was down. Humidity is always rough. Walking in it is kind of like walking through soup. The less of it I have to deal with, the better.

Today was rough in a lot of ways. Things were really bad emotionally. I had to keep talking myself out of crying and being angry. I've done my best to avoid things that would trigger either, but the problem with this kind of emotional shit is that it's just SO unpredictable what will set you off. I almost cried this morning because my roommate made me breakfast. He's so nice! I almost cried later in the day because someone had set little kids out to sell stuff in this heat. How is it even possible to predict for this kind of thing?

My attention span also caused me a lot of problems. My brain was so random. I found myself loading games and then just not even doing anything with them before I would move to the next game. It too so much effort for me to focus on anything. Emotionally weepy yet lacking focus is a really strange place to be. I hope all of this settles down soon.

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