Friday, October 16, 2015

Beauty Obsessions

Recently a woman with severe acne scars posted pics of herself without any makeup. She then did a video where she posted the comments people made about her. They talked about how ugly she was. They talked about how horrible she looked and how they wished she would die. People were very open about their disgust at her lack of perfection.

In the video, she proceeded to do her makeup. This woman has very good bone structure and a reasonable face painting skill. With her acne scars hidden, she most certainly meets the standards of conventional beauty. She posted the comments that people made about her with makeup on. People talked about how adorable she was. She was called perfect and stunning.

Then things took an ugly turn. Other comments expressed outrage that someone who was 'clearly ugly without makeup' was so good at tricking people. Someone suggested it should be illegal. Others talked about how they had trust issues with women because even ugly women could put on makeup and look attractive. To them, makeup was nothing but a lie.

This kind of anger seems to be more and more common. People don't want to accept people who aren't conventionally attractive, but get angry at them when they do something to hid that. It certainly comes down to the fact that the people who hate you because you're different don't want you to change; they want you to go away.

When I was a kid, women never wore makeup at home. At least, the ones I was around never wore makeup at home. They would 'put their face on' when they went out in public. It was a matter of being presentable, kind of like brushing your hair. At home, you looked how you looked. The people in your home accepted you how you looked because they loved you . . . you know, in theory.

There was never this idea that makeup was some kind of scam ugly women were using to trick men. What the hell does that even mean? If you're willing to marry someone, you should be willing to accept their imperfections. And if this is just about them not being hot after you've had a hookup with them, why in the name of hell would you even care? You were still attracted to them and you still had sex. No one is tricking you here. And if your standard of 'acceptable female companion' requires her to be physically beautiful to the point of having little to no flaws, you basically deserve to be alone.

If you're not beautiful, that's okay. It really is. It doesn't make you less worthy of a person, any more than being beautiful makes you more worthy as a person. If you didn't get the Beauty Card, just accept that and play the hell out of the cards you did get. There are plenty of them to get you through life. Beauty isn't the only quality that makes you a worthwhile person.

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