Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday the 30th

My roommate had his eye appointment today. Things seemed to have gone well. I'll need to make an appointment soon to have my eyes checked. I'm dreading this. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need bifocals, which means the cost of my glasses will increase. At the same time, my vision is so wonky of late that something needs to be done. Even now I'm having trouble completely seeing the screen and I have things enlarged to about the size of my grandma's old people Bible.

Anyway, as far as trips go, it wasn't too bad. There was road construction, but that just seems to be the way of things these days. I had to drive in really horrible fog the other morning so all other forms of travel seem rather simple. Driving in fog like that made me wonder if I was going to make it through the trip alive. If anything, it's another good reason to get new glasses.

Tomorrow is Halloween and I'm not doing anything for it. Then again, I did my celebrating last weekend, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything. It's kind of the kick-off to the holiday season. I'm feeling good about that because I have almost every gift already bought.

One of the reasons I'm so anxious about getting new glasses is that I associate that office with gyno problems. The first time I went there, I was bleeding so horribly that I worried I'd have staining issues. Luckily, I didn't. The next time I went, things weren't so bad, but it was only a month before the whole 'won't stop bleeding surprise uterus cancer' portion of my life. As I've written about before, that whole time was so terrifying and horrible that I'm still having PTSD over it. Maybe that will fade in a few years.

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