Monday, October 5, 2015

Start of the Week Progress

The holiday gifts are slowly being purchased. I live on a pretty restrictive budget, so I have to buy them as I can. It's better to do it early anyway. No one wants to be the stores when so many other people are in them. I'm making some gifts too, and I have a fairly good grip on how those needs to be arranged.

Speaking of making things, I have a better grip on the broomstick stitch now. I played with it some and figured out how to do it in the round. It was a matter of using many items of the same size instead of one large one. Like many other things, it's often easier once you break it down into smaller steps.

Tomorrow is going to be all about errands and yard work. My roommate did the majority of the yard work (as he does every year) and I am so thankful for that. I'll help with what I can tomorrow and if everything goes well, it should all be over for the year.

For now, I'm off to bed.

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