Wednesday, October 14, 2015

White Rabbit Morning

I had to be somewhere this morning and slept through my alarm. Luckily, I'm a paranoid sleeper when I have plans, so I woke up only 15 minutes past when I was supposed to. By making some decisions  to not do things at the house, I managed to shave off some extra time and only arrived about ten minutes past when I was supposed to. I'm kind of amazed that happened though, due to one of the weird rules of life.

When you are late, everything else is going to conspire against you to ensure you're even later.

You know those horror movies where supernatural creatures will flock to things that are corrupted or things that are about to die? I have no idea if that is a real thing, but I am pretty certain that supernatural creatures flock to you when you're late. They make you drop things. They hook your shirt to the door. They make you need to pee when normally you could just leave the house. They make you lose the thing that happens to be around your neck. They make you forget your glasses and force you to retrace your steps.

And no, I don't really believe in supernatural late-goblins. I know that the trouble is that when I'm late, I start to panic and get careless about what I'm doing. Though to be fair, that only explains part of it. I have no control over Slowass Drivers or psycho stoplight logic. And yet, both of these plagued my trip.

Maybe we're late because the math all goes wrong.

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