Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cat Migration

When Tinkerbell moved into the house, I predicted she would eventually warm up to us and accept that she was part of the family. For a while now, I've been wrong about that. Since my roommate gathered her up and brought her into the house, she's mostly stayed in his room. Sometimes she would sit on one of the tables in the far back of the living room, but that was about as far as she went.

This summer, she decided she liked the AC. Whenever we would turn it on, she could come out and sit beside it. It was very cute to watch her scamper across the living room to get to the blessedly cool air as fast as possible. When the AC was off, she would go back to his bedroom.

A few weeks ago, I noticed her sitting on the couch, enjoying the sunlight. That was a really new thing for her. She seems to have decided she likes it though. Now the couch is her new home. This doesn't make the other cats happy. The couch is THEIR home too and Tinkerbell just isn't a pleasant new addition. Sometimes she hisses at them, especially if they get the spot she wants. Other times, she sleeps on them. Tink is a far bigger cat than the other two and her sleeping on them probably causes some shock.

The most shocking thing she now does is offer the odd bit off affection. The older two cats have been with us since they were tiny kittens and know nothing of the outdoors. The Outdoor cats who have moved in over the years never get the warmest of receptions from the older ones. Now that Tink shares the couch, she will occasionally offer a nuzzle or a lick to the other two. They always flinch like someone just pinched them.

Who knows? Maybe this time next year, the three of them will be besties.

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