Monday, November 16, 2015

Dark Days

In the long list of things I wish we could teach people, up there at the top would be how to process acts of mass violence. In the wake of such tragedies, it's as if we all collectively go mad. Of course, as humans, especially ones with social media, we can't go mad quietly.

What has happened in Beirut, in Kenya, and in France is horrible. It's disgusting that acts of violence like that happen. It's revolting that we, as humans, place so little value on the lives of other. It sickens me to know that people can kill or rape or enslave or torture others and believe such things are completely justified. How could anyone possibly think, even for a second,  that any of that was justified.

People are scared and disturbed. They don't know how to process all of this. I don't know how to process it. I see so many posts from people who believe there are simple answers. "Just do this!" "People should have done that." "If we get rid of this group or that world leader or refuse to do this or certainly do that, then all of the  violence will go away." Other people will be offended by their quick solutions and, because those people are also on edge, they're starting arguments with the first group.

I wish there were easy solutions, but I doubt there are. Most of the time, situations like this are vastly complex. Unfortunately, when we're scared, processing complex things just isn't that easy.

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