Monday, November 2, 2015

Insurance Aftermath

I ended up having to take medical off of my insurance. It isn't required by the state anyway.  Although this took around 100 off of the bill, it will still make it more than it was last time. The woman at the insurance place said everyone's rates were up this time. She didn't sound surprised with my complaint at all. Anyway, so far as I know, things should be affordable now. We'll see.

I'm not sure if it was the stress of the insurance situation or something I ate, but I spent the larger part of the day being sick to my stomach. For a while, the nausea was really bad. I'm hoping a good night's rest will fix that. At least I can get those now that we have our hour back.

This is one of those times of year when I can get really depressed. I'm trying to prevent that. I'm keeping my hands occupied with projects and my brain occupied with a new discussion with my best friend. I'm not sure if it will do the trick, but it's worth a shot.

The thing about depression is that sometimes nothing helps. Nothing. Not even the meds. When it's like that, it basically slaps you in the face when it shows up. No warnings at all. Other times, the depression kind of settles on you in waves. When that happens, if you know the signs, you can sometimes brace for impact by doing things to stimulate other chemicals in your brain. I'm not talking about drugs and alcohol here (although, those would work too), I'm talking about starting new projects and letting your brain think about other things.

It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. With depression, if you can at least get a few times of it not being soulcrushing, then that's a win.

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