Friday, November 13, 2015

Historic Day

Today was really a strange contrast of emotions for me. The first part of it was wonderful. Two things happened that will be imprinted in my memory until I die. The first was the beautiful scene of my best friend dancing with her baby on her shoulders. The baby was dancing and laughing with her and it was stunning. In that moment, she was both completely my best friend and completely the coolest mom in the world.

The second memory imprint will be the ride home from her house. We made a rule that we had to sing whatever song came on, no matter how little we knew the lyrics. We were laughing and singing and fumbling words the whole trip. My best friend's son would sometimes sing with us, sometimes just comment along. The baby was excited by our happiness and cooed and laughed. It was beautiful. It was peaceful and exciting.

Then I come home and find out that all hell is happening in Paris. People were dying, hostages had been taken, a band I love was somewhere in the middle of all of it, and things were chaos. Like just about everyone else, I can't even comprehend this. It's horrifying and heinous. It's evil. My heart goes out to everyone affected by what has happened in Paris. My heart also goes out to all of those who will be affected in the days to come. People often want revenge for things like this and usually punish people who had nothing to do with it.

So that was my day, beautiful memories created from simple and perfect moments . . . and horror. I'm not sure I have much to add past that.

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