Thursday, February 25, 2016

Being a Good God

So I still haven't solved the Windenburg mystery, but I have fixed some other things about the town. Some of the prebuilt houses didn't fit with the style of the area. I realized I could bulldoze the lots and put other Maxis made houses on them without forcing the family to move.

This would be so bizarre in real life. Imagine one minute you have a poorly arranged modern house and the next minute you have a Tudor style mansion. No work on your part. Just . . . BOOM! New fancy house.

This makes me really happy. It's like being a god. Only instead of punishing people for their sins, I encourage them to gain skills and occasionally just give them a new and far better house. All gods should be like that. Okay, granted, I also occasionally kill them in pools, but only when I find them boring. Don't be boring doesn't seem like too big of a godly demand.

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