Saturday, February 27, 2016

Cheat Codes of the Gods

Ruins at on the edges of von Windenburg
The new expansion pack came with some ruins. I was pretty excited about this, until I saw they were all small and low to the ground. Even the broken columns weren't that big. I needed more. This is the Sims though, so I knew there had to be cheat codes. I was so right about that. Mind you, the codes have been around for a long time, but I really didn't need them until now.
The circled part is a sim.
That's how big I made things. 
So in Windenburg, the current owners of the Von Windenburg estate are the Villareals.  Daddy Villareal's wife died under mysterious circumstances. I'm assuming she was the von Windenburg in the family. Like all the houses in the rich island, I've been fixing up their place. Given the size of the island, my assumption is that one time, every household on it served some purpose for the Von Windenburg family. It means that their estate would not only be the largest (which it is), but also the oldest. I killed the house they had on there and placed an older castle on the plot. Then I started adding the ruin details. This where the cheat codes came in.
One code allows me to move things where I want them. I don't have to stick with the usual rules. This means I can mesh things together, like adding that statue and tree into the column. It also means I can make things far larger and stack them on top of each other. This means the ruins can be far more substantial.

Oh course, the ruins are far older than  the castle would be. My idea is that the family would have built their home on an older Roman establishment. They would have felt this was the greatest point of power in  the region. Their servants would have settled on the rest of the island and then slowly the town would have expanded onto the mainland.

I wish the camera angles allowed me to show you the whole estate. I can get pictures, but I have to pull back so far that all the details get lost. I am so very proud of my ruins though. They make me so geekfully happy.

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