Saturday, February 13, 2016


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I won't get anything. The next day is Cheap Candy at the Store Day and I may get things. I'm not really that upset about the NOT getting things. Getting candy on one day out of the year probably wouldn't outweigh the drama of being in a relationship. Given that I have the personality of a wet 15 year old cat, I am probably best left to my own devices.

It's like with the Superbowl thing, though, I'm not going to be angry that other people are having a special day when I'm not. I'm not being harmed in any way, so why deny someone else their joy?

Though, I do wonder if that's one of the reasons why I always feel so disconnected about the first of the year. All of the celebrations and parties really have nothing to do with me. I'm not saying they should have to. They are what they are. Still, maybe it's the reason I never feel much about this time of year outside of  dread.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys tomorrow.

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