Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Pointless Debate

Clinton and Trump had their first debate last night. Everyone assumed it would be widely viewed, though I think mostly for the same reasons people slow down to look at a car wreck. People either hate-watched one candidate or the other.  I'm not sure anyone's opinions were changed.

I think we should allow the independent candidates to be at these debates as well. Whether you vote for a major party or not, I think it does a disservice to the voters to not hear from everyone. Even if the voter decides to go with a major party when it comes to actual voting, the other opinions, options, and ideas should be discussed.

They let a massive number of people on stage during the primaries. We had tons of Republicans running for president. And really, they were mostly all saying the same thing. If we allowed Libertarian and Green to take the stage as well, the voters would get to hear all the various options for how to move forward as a nation.

I'm not saying this because I support the Libertarians or the Green Party (any more than I actually support everything the Democrats or the GOP have to say, for that matter), but I still believe they have the right to be heard. We need more ideas, not less. We need more solutions, not less.

It would make the debates far more interesting as well. The major parties are so caught in their narrative that having to face off with other people might give a level of gravity to the debates. I also believe more people would watch. More people might hear ideas that sound reasonable to them.

Then again, maybe that last bit is the part that scares everyone.

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