Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Seasonal Whinging

Looked at the blog from last year and my eyesight was so bad from allergy stuff that was having to make my fonts huge so I could see them. I'm coughing and wheezing right  now, but at least I'm not having to do that. Pretty sure that will change over the next few days. The electric company people are like RIGHT by us now. Things are going to get ugly in a pollen kind of way.

It's also staying unseasonably hot. I need to be working on stuff, but I just can't right now. Too warm. I'm really just kind of managing to keep myself floating along.

I have some things that will be happening in the next few weeks. I was panicking about them some, but now that I'm taking steps, things are feeling less overwhelming. That's good. Though lately it's been like I have two brains. One brain functions in panic mode and the other brain just calmly wonders what the hell we were panicking about.

In the meantime, I'm just going to try to stay as even as possible.

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