Thursday, February 9, 2017

Happily Free

I was reviewing past blogs and noted that in 2014 of this date, I'd had a really rough weekend of bleeding. It was past the time of the Hellblood. I was already on the Depo, but it was enough to really send my mind into panic mode again, wondering if it was going to start back and put me in that place where I couldn't stop.

Having a uterus can be terrifying. There is so much that can go wrong with it. There are so many ways it can screw up your life. I realize it's also kind of needed to ensure new lives begin, but that seems kind of minor in the face of all the ways having one can be used against you and all the ways it can restrict you.

I am very grateful that mine is gone. It offered me a level of peace I really had no idea I was missing. The loss of fertility in no way compared to the peace of mind I gained by having that part of my body gone. It was so worth it. It was more worth it than just about anything else that has ever happened to me. And the thing is, I know that I'm really fortunate because I was never in the situation where my uterus or other womanly bits caused me to make monumental decisions about things.

The reason I will always support legal abortion is because body autonomy is fundamentally important. People should be able to make decisions about what happens to their bodies. I'll often see people counter that statement with one that the fetus's body is not the mother's. It doesn't matter, though. If I am the only person who has the blood that would keep you alive, I'm not legally bound to give you my blood, even if that means you die. It's still my body and my choice. Even if you're my child and I'm the only person who has the body parts that could save you, no law forces me to do so. Hell, even if I'm dead, there still has to be consent before you can use my organs. I think living women should at least have the same regard as dead bodies.

That would never make that kind of decision easy, though. I'm so thankful I'll never have to make it.

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