Saturday, February 18, 2017

Maybe It's You

I made a joke on Valentine's Day about how people who may feel alone should be content in knowing they are never alone because they're full of microbes. Someone asked if I saw being alone as a bad thing. I think we all know that I don't. For one thing, as I said above, I know I'm never alone. In fact, I think I feel almost spiritual about the idea of being a universe full of microbes. It makes me very content. Beyond that, I'm good with being single because I know there are logical reasons for it.

Besides just my general misanthropy and enjoyment of my own mind, there are many things about me that I know would make for a bad romantic partner. Understand, this is a fact, but not one tainted by opinion. I'm not upset that this is true. It's not really a bad thing. It's just a thing. The most obvious aspect is that I'm nowhere near conventionally sized, which many people find unattractive, and that's fine. Even if people find it attractive, my size also created mobility issues (which limits what we could do) and flexibility issues.

I'm also one of those people who is entertaining for a few hours, but probably not beyond that. There are some people who have enjoyed my company for years, god love them, but even for them, I still reach a shutdown mode where I stop being entertaining and just want to be quiet. I'm also not very good at emotional labor, comfort, or security. My hobbies take up a lot of my time and a lot of room.

So if you're single, before you get really bitter about it, it might help to do an honest assessment of who you are as a person. Would you date someone like you? If the answer is no, perhaps it's time to begin to change things in order to make yourself a better catch. And if you don't want to do that or find that you can't do that, perhaps it's time to accept the rational idea that romance just isn't for you. It isn't something that would suit you. This could be the start of a new kind of freedom for you.

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