Thursday, February 16, 2017

Unlikely Snow

I worked on the doll cardigan today. It's not really colors that I like, but they look cute together. And they work for a doll. I also found a pattern for a quick crocheted mermaid tail. It seems like it's foolproof, but we know how that goes. Once I'm done with the doll thing, I may explore the mermaid thing.

It looks like we'll get through the month with no snow or nasty cold weather. It is possible things could still get nasty in March, but it's doubtful. Once we get past the months where the snow could be really bad, I start to calm down. You know, I calm down until I know the weather is going to get hot again. So for about like a month or so, I'm fine.

Speaking of, the month only has one more full week left in it. The first two months of this year have been stressful and scary for related but different reasons. I'm hoping we can heal and get better. We need to.

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