Saturday, February 4, 2017

To Not Scroll

I should have blogged last night but my heart just wasn't in it. I believe the level of 'backing off' of FB that I did before the election is going to have to continue. There is so much division. People protesting this author or boycotting that company. I understand why people do it. I certainly support their right to do it (though I think burning Harry Potter books is pretty disturbing), but the amounts of protests, boycotts, and everything else is overwhelming me.

I thought I could keep myself going with yarn, but yesterday things were just so bad I hit a wall where I couldn't even be creative. My ability to just zone out and work on something was gone. There was just too much poison in the air. I know I did that to myself because I scrolled down to see what was going on. I should have known better.

It looks like we're as divided as a nation can be.  People seemed to have lost their comprehension of why someone else would have a different POV. I saw several people on the Right post things about how the protests against the immigration ban were going on because 'those people' honestly wanted terrorists to come into America and destroy it. Really? No, assholes. People are protesting because they have compassion for people who are fleeing war-torn countries. How can you NOT get that?

See even talking about it makes my brain boil. I need a break. And yes, I realize I'm very fortunate to be able to take one.

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