Monday, February 13, 2017

Mah Voice

So Oklahoma wants to pass a law to make it to where men get a say in if a woman has an abortion. This is what I sent my state legislators.  I don't know if they will get the sarcasm.

Hello, sir!

I hope you are having a good day. I read that our state government is trying to make it to where men have a say in a woman's abortion. I think this is wrong, especially the part where women were reduced to just being 'hosts.' 

It isn't so much about the abortion part. I think we would all like to end. This is more about people having the right to make decisions about themselves. Moreover, though, it's about how effective it is when we restrict such things. Making abortion illegal or limited the access to it never really stops it. It just makes it less safe. 

However, I think there is a way where we could make all abortions end.  You should make a law where men have to meet certain requirements before they can be allowed to father children. 

They should make enough money to support the child. They should be of sound mind and body. This can be proven by having them pass both a physical fitness test and a test for any mental issues. They should also be sober. We all know addicts make horrible parents. 

If the men cannot pass these tests, they will be required to have a vasectomy. If at a later date, they can prove they will make worthy parents, the vasectomy can be undone. 

I realize this would cause some 'body integrity' issues, but no more so than forcing people to have babies they didn't want. People night argue this is a violation of certain religions, but those religions only require men not to use birth control during sex. They can simply abstain until they meet the requirements. 

Think about the benefits! No more unwanted pregnancies, so no more abortions. Because the men would have to be sober and sane, we would reduce our levels of domestic violence. Because they would have to prove they can provide for the child, it would reduce our levels of generational poverty. 

Over time, we would find ourselves with a population of responsible adults and thriving children. All we have to do to make this happen is give men a goal to work for. 

Thank you for your time.

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