Monday, September 18, 2017

Car Drama

I woke up early this morning, showered, and took the car to the auto shop. When we got the oil changed on Friday, they said my passengers side back tire was almost flat. Mind you, it's been a long time since I had air put in the tires and we've gone through a lot of temperature shifts, still, I worry that there is something in the tire making it lose air. With that in mind, I took it by today. They said the air pressure in all four tires was where it was supposed to be.

This was a relief, somewhat. In all honesty, I would have rather been told the tire was screwed up so I could just have it replaced. Now it's a waiting game where I take it in next week and have it checked, then we see from there. I hate being tethered to that kind of thing, but I'm not really seeing where I have a choice in the matter.

I also need to get my windshield fixed. When we had the oil change done, Ol Girl who checked us in gave us some recommendations about who to use for that. It's going to be expensive, but the crack on the windshield is so extensive now that I don't really feel we can put it off for a lot longer.

Car work always makes me nervous. I once read an article that talked about how car issues that are annoying for people with money can be devastating for poor people and this is very true. Every time the car has to go to the shop, even for an oil change, I always dread it because there's the possibility that something massive could be lurking and I'll have to scramble to find a way to pay for it.

The windshield thing, while expensive, would usually be pretty straightforward, but I have a sensor box on mine and I'm worried about how that will be affected by changing it out. I shouldn't worry about it because logically any company who does this for a living has probably changed windshields with these boxes on them before, but the fear of the unknown is eating at me.

I shall be happy when the car drama is finished.

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