Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Bad Morning

I woke up and had a physical response panic attack. It was sudden, horrible, and took quite a while for me to calm myself down. It was a cold, slap in the face of some stuff I need to keep in mind right now.

These are trying times. Some people say it is an over-reaction. Other people point to the piles of bodies in Italy and China and say that it's worse than they're letting us know. I'll be honest. I have no idea. I'm not there. I just know my body is anxious about it, even more than my mind is allowing me to process. This makes sense. If you have anxiety when everything is running smoothly, expect worse anxiety when things go to hell.

So from now on, I'm taking some steps to keep myself functioning. I won't be reading Facebook posts. A lot of people are posting ignorant and nasty things. I will take time, several times a day, to do my deep breathing work. I will listen to things that please and distract me.

I will drive myself insane if I keep focusing on the WHAT IFS that want to dominate my thoughts. There is no point in that. There is, after all, nothing I can do about those things.

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