Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Crisis Ableism

This is probably going to sound like me complaining, but I didn't intend it that way. I'm trying to just convey to people how difficult things get for disabled people during a crisis. There are several things going on right now that really highlight just how difficult things are when you don't have 100% of your physical capacity happening.

Testing Facilities

People are supposed to park, walk into these tents, sit down in whatever little metal chairs they have provided, and be tested. Fine for able-bodied people. Not so easy for others. The walk alone may be beyond a lot of people. I know I couldn't do it. I can't expect someone to help me with my wheelchair in a situation like that, where other people may be infected. I couldn't expect the people running the place to help me.

Is there an alternative? Why yes, there is. South Korea has drive up testing going on. THAT I could do. THAT would be easier on everyone.

All the Cleaning

I read a very good article about all the cleaning one SHOULD be doing to keep things safe. This level of cleaning is beyond me. I can manage to wash my hands fairly often, but I can't disinfect every surface and clean all the handles and make sure nothing has germs on it. In my household, we're trying to do as much as we can, but we are limited.

Is there an alternative? Not really. Stay at home. Wipe down what we can. Wash as often as we can. Wear gloves when out? I guess.

Those are the things mainly on my mind about ME, but I'm seeing a lot of other ableist stuff playing out. In Spain, for example, the military has found facilities for the elderly full of dead bodies where the workers just left them to die. People who are healthy are attending CoronaParties, either to get infected or just for the thrill of it, with little care as to who they happen to come in contact with who might be compromised enough to die from this.

Is there an alternative to stuff like this? Yes. Don't be an asshole. Think about other people.

Enough for today.

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