Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Y in DIY

If you follow the blog, you know I've been in the process of making my room function and look better. Honestly, I think it's a case where form follows function here, as the more functional it is, the better it really does look.  Again, if you follow the blog, you know I've been working on this for over a month now. In fact, I reached my first big goal, buying a new mattress, on Valentine's Day. I believe I'd been working on the room between two and three weeks at that point.

It's taking me a long time. It's taking me a lot longer than most people would take, due to, as the title states, the Y in the DIY. Or, I guess in this case, not the yourself, but the myself. Me.

On the days I feel like working on my room, at most AT MOST it's maybe an hour and a half. By that point, I'm exhausted and in pain. I'm also usually disheartened by whatever I did. I rarely feel accomplished. Even if I worked hard and did well, I still have mixed feelings about it. Most of them aren't good.

So I'm fighting a lot of stuff here. I'm fighting my body's limitations. I can't reach or stretch well. I'm not strong. I ache. When things fall they usually fall somewhere under my boobs and I can't see them. And things fall a lot because I'm clumsy.

I'm not writing this to complain. Not exactly. I'm writing this to let people know that even though this is hard, I am still moving forward. It's slow. And it's often frustrating. There have been so many days when I was overwhelmed.

I have been very encouraged by Youtube's DIY community, but at the same, all of those people are more able-bodied than I am. Don't think I'm angry about that. I'm not. It's just a factor I have to keep in mind when I look at my own progress. If any of the things I have to deal with were gone, I would progress faster. As it stands, I have to accept the progress I have and be content with my accomplishments and my persistence.

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