Sunday, March 8, 2020

Changing the Math, Once Again

Today my roommate dismantled the desk and removed it. I cleaned the space (it really, seriously needed it) and exhausted myself in the process. I also pulled the cushion off my chair, but thankfully it just slips back on.

I felt a little defeated by the time I managed to get on my bed. Everything hurt. I was really tired. Nothing was truly clean. I recently read where when you clean one thing, you can only do it by making something else dirty. Basically, you're just shifting filth around.

Later though, after I rested, I realized that, once again, the energy in my room had changed.

Removing the desk opened up the room so much. Even though I only gain a small portion of space back, it feels so expansive in there. I feel like my room is twice the size without that massive piece in the middle of it.  Glorious.

We're going to change the direction of the bookshelf to give it some more stability and give me a little more room. I'm thinking it and the closet will be about the same width as the trunk and if the cubbies I bought to sit on the trunk work out like I think they will, they'll be about the same height as the bookshelf when I'm finished. I might just achieve some balance in my room. YAY!

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