Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday List: Apocapossiblities.

Ahh, it is Friday again and Blogger is back online. I have some other stuff I need to write about, but I wanted to stay with my Friday thingamabob. Wow, "thingamabob" doesn't set off spellcheck. Awesome. Anyway, I've had a shitastic week and feel rather fatal about things. Also, there is supposed to be some big planet alignment and lots of religious types are saying the world will end on May 21st. With that in mind, I will present a list of ways I would love for the world to end.


Honestly, if the world has to end, why not have it done by really great looking aliens?  You know, the ship lands, a bunch of really beautiful naked men appear.  They have musical voices and sing songs to us....then kill us softly with their songs.

Maybe they will even find some of us amusing because humor is a new thing to them and they'll keep us alive. I can dream!


Then we slam into the side pocket and some vast space giant wins the pool game! Yay!

Okay, here is the thing about a giant meteor hit.  We will know about it in advance. We will also know, fairly quickly past that, whether or not we can DO anything about it. More than likely, we can't. So, while the world will be ending, I think we would have this huge sense of relief. We would truly live just for the day, for the moment. It would be an amazing party.


This end of the world scenario would be awesome for two reasons. One, a lot of trippy stuff happens after. Two, SO MANY PEOPLE who thought they would get to go................won't. Hah!

Okay, I know that last statement is very, very spiteful . . . but I really do not care. I think it would be a great eye opener for people, to really understand where their hearts have been at this whole time.  And I hope this is what changes them. Though again, yeah. Spiteful.


I've actually loved this idea every since I was a young BHB and watch my first terminator step on that skull.  Actually, I think this one is probably already happening. *waves to robot masters* Though, seriously, the Skynet thing is great because as bad as humans are at running things, you will notice from the scenes of the future that robots do a really horrible job. This means we get to feel smug for a change!

Also . . . I just love the idea of someone screaming and running from their Roomba.


After all the movies we have seen and all the books and TV shows and discussions, I think of all the possible paths to DOOM, humans are best prepared for zombies.  People even build houses now that can withstand zombies.

I have a very dear friend who always leaves her car door unlocked and a spare key in it. That way, if zombies attack and she is dead, someone can use her car and get away from them.

I know I'd become a zombie quickly.....which means I won't have to look, smell, or deal with the other zombies.  I think it will be funny watching me waddle down the road, trying to eat someone's brain. there you have it. Doom and gloom....with upsides!

Look, I don't think the world will end on the 21st.  Of course, if I'm wrong, we won't exactly know, will we? Maybe we should live like it will though. Maybe we should do things we've been putting off or get things off our chests or tell someone we love them, just to make sure they understand.  We get so caught up in preparing for the future or dreading the consequences that most of the time, we forget to actually just live.  Live for a while. Live and enjoy what is around you.

You never know when the zombies will come knocking.

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