Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Of Wasps and Fleabie Jeebies

Oh look! I lived through last night. I knew I would. I almost wrote, "I never get that lucky." Is that wrong? Probably.  Anyway, right now I'm sitting here between two cats who have fleas.  We're WORKING on the flea issues, but we've not conquered them yet.  Give us time. Until then, I have an intense case of heebie jeebies every time I have to touch one of my cats. Seriously, why can't you bitches stay away from the bugs?

Because of the storms, my therapist was out today so I didn't get my head shrunk. Damn, it needed that too. Okay, maybe not as much as usual, but some.  I've been in an oddly good mood, aside from suicidal storm tendencies and fleabie jeebies.

I've been really good about staying hydrated.  Props to my roommate for keeping me in tea and whatnot drinks. That helps a lot.  We're also going into summer eating mode, which means less during the heat of the day and more in the morning. It simplifies things and keeps us from being overly hot.

My roommate did some maintaining on the gutters today.  I sat on the porch and handed him stuff as needed.  It looks like the gutters were put up by crazy people who wanted to make life difficult on anyone who came after them.  And of course, it was windy as hell while we were out there, but not windy enough to keep the wasps away.

Wasps, as in the bugs. Not WASPS as in the people who would be standing out there in sunglasses holding glasses of wine and making comments about how we poors never call the proper people to handle things. The ones we were dealing with sting, but the pain goes away quicker than the stings of the other kind.

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