Monday, May 9, 2011

Simulated Activities are Not the Same as Actual Activities

So I've been doing my little work out for a few weeks now.  One of these days, I'll take pictures of my makeshift  equipment and explain the whole thing.  Not tonight though. Too tired.

One of the things I do works out the same muscle groups one works when mopping.  This is a pretty important thing because it's both arm and torso.  I'm rather good at the exercise and feel I'm getting a lot of strength in these areas. Or so I thought.

Yesterday, I decided to mop the bathroom and hallway. Just the bathroom and hall.  Two very small spaces that are right next to each other.  I reasoned that after all the nifty exercise I'd been doing, this would be a piece of cake.


Okay, keep in mind, it's hot as hell and I'm not used to that yet. Also, the bathroom door was closed during part of this, which makes it even hotter.  But still. STILL. It was horrible.  I had to sit through most of it. I was out of breath. I was sweaty and hurting and so, so hot.

My roommate saw me about half way through mopping the hallway after the bathroom was finished.  His first comment was, "Wow, you really look like hell." Which means, I probably looked flushed two seconds before heat stroke or something.

The worst part was, when I lated hobbled to the bathroom, I noticed the floor still wasn't even all THAT clean. I'd missed a lot. Which annoyed me to no end.

It didn't annoy me as much as the fact that this whole thing was such an ordeal. I honestly believed it wouldn't be. I thought, after working those muscle groups, it would be a lot easier. Of course, I hadn't counted on weather conditions or the floor's resistance, or just how dirty it was.

It's okay though.  I made it through the chore. It was far easier than it used to be, even if it was still harder than expected.  And yes, I KNOW, it probably seems very pathetic to many that just the simple act of mopping two small spaces would wear me out so much. If you feel that way, next time you mop, strap what will make you weigh about 500 lbs onto you and see how it goes.  It's not fun.

However, on the bright side, I did do it. The floor was clean (er-ish) when the plumbers got here. Well, they at least didn't stick to it or anything. The hallway didn't look questionable.  And I recovered from the whole ordeal a lot quicker than I used to.  So I will choose to be proud of myself and happy that progress is being made.

I will also choose to see this whole thing as a life lesson.  Simulation doesn't equal real life.  But it does help.

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