Monday, August 15, 2011

What would you do quiz

Sometimes I have lots of enlightening and life altering things to say. Sometimes, I just want to fill out stupid quizzes. I picked this one at random.


The President of the United States called you:  I would assume it was a pre-recorded call about something he wanted me to do or vote for. I hate those calls, so I'd probably not do or vote for whatever it is. And that has nothing to do with politics and more with not wanting to be annoyed.

You won the lottery: I would take care of my debts and secure myself in a comfortable manner. Then I would use the rest of the money to do the same for my friends and loved ones.

You got invited to be on a reality TV show: I would refuse, as I'm terribly shy.

You caught a friend stealing from you: I probably wouldn't do anything. If this is really a friend, I would guess they were stealing from me because they really needed the money.  I'm poor and I know how horribly desperate being poor can be.   I wouldn't want to embarrass them about taking the money, so I'd say nothing about it and then try to help them as much as I could.

You witnessed a murder:  I'd probably freak the fuck out. I held someone's hand as they died and that messed with me horribly. This was a peaceful death. To see someone be murdered, I assume, would be ten times worse.

A random stranger offered you candy: I'd take it because free candy! I'm not some little kid that can be kidnapped. I'm a big fat woman! They could never carry me into the van. So hell yeah free candy!

Facebook closed: I'd suffer from withdraw and then try to make Google+ work.

A genie granted you one wish:  I'd set the genie free.  This isn't just some Pollyanna answer.  For one thing, it hopefully wouldn't backfire on me like genie wishes tend to do.  Plus, the fact that I got to MEET a genie would be so damned cool, the wish would seem unimportant. And finally, there is this game I used to play where they would randomly give you fairies trapped in bottles. You could use the fairy for your magic or set it free. I would ALWAYS set them free. It was just a damned game, but I still couldn't stand the thought of things being trapped like that.

You lost your favorite possession: My favorite possession is probably my computer. Sometimes they die, and I freak out horrible, weep, freak out more, and then find a way to get another one.

You found 10 dollars on the ground: I'd spend it on trivial things.  I believe if you find random money, you should always spend it trivially.

Your date throws up on you: Date? I have a date? I would love to answer this in many ways, but there is a high probability that this would make me throw up too.

Someone cut off a chunk of your hair: Eh. This has happened many times. I'd be fine.

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:  Lots of sex would be had!

You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call: I'd call my uncle because he knows how to make shit happen. I'd get off the island within a week.

And thus ends the quiz!

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