Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Change in Routine Annoyances

As part of my process in becoming somewhat of a responsible adult, I've made this habit if paying my bills at the beginning of the month. It can sometimes be a hassle depending on how the days run and when the mail gets there, however, in the end, I love the feeling of knowing that my bills paid and I don't have to worry about them for a while.

Of course, then the gas bill had to go and fuck it all up.

The gas bill used to be due somewhere around the 11th.  Over time, however, it's edged its way down the calendar, sometimes being due as early as the 6th.  They also have this rule that you have to pay the bill two days before it's due or it will be late. That makes absolutely no sense. If it's considered late if it's not paid by the 4th, just fucking say it's DUE ON THE 4TH!  Don't say it's due on the 6th. Clearly, they're just trying to get people to screw up. Bastards.

Anyway, my roommate and I have ran close to the bill being late several times. And, as I said, we're trying in our own little way to be responsible adults now, and don't want that to happen. So we've shifted the paying of the gas bill to the day after it shows up in the mail.

You know, this was the practical thing to do. It saves us a lot of hassle and worry.   I get that.  I also know it's really not that big of a change. It's really not that big of a deal.

But it really pisses me off.

Rationally, I know it shouldn't. Like I said, practical blah blah, not such a thing blah blah . . . but then again, I also know that the reason this happened is because the company keeps squeezing the dates of when things are due. They keep giving less leeway, less breathing room, less moments to really screw anything up. For people like us, who now make it a habit to get things done on time and stay on top of dates and stuff, it's just a minor annoyance.

Most of all though, it's because this breaks the emotional reaction to my routine.  My almost full month of not having to deal with or think about bills now has a gas bill disruption. The happy little reward I had for taking care of the business at the first of the month is gone.

It's not really a true, deeply felt hatred over the change.....just a eyes-narrowing, grumbling, and cussing kind of thing. I'll get over it, but only until the bill shows up. Thank you gas company. Fucker.

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