Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Malfunction Junction, WTF?

Do earbuds give you callouses? I have strange little bumps on the inside of my ears now. They don't hurt, but they weren't there before. I keep my earbuds in a lot, hence, the wondering about callouses.

Anyway, this week is not being so great. My body is going through various malfunctions and I can't get Facebook to work for shit.  I keep trying to make it happen, but it won't. So if you're trying poke me or send me messages, sorry. Nothing will load.  I'll get back to you when I can.

What else? Oh yeah, so I've been trying to see if I could get Sims 3 to function better. I stripped all the custom content off of it and tried a new family. Nope. It still fucked up.  *sigh* I'm really tired of it not working. With the level of computer that I have, there is no reason for it not to be working . . . other than the fact that something in it just fundamentally sucks.

Anyway, tomorrow is the big SOPA protest. Lots of websites will be blacking out to show people what it will be like if we let the government and corporations run the internet. I won't be posting because I feel that my posts are the kind of thing they would stop. I criticize the government. I talk about shows when they suck. You know, that whole thing about giving opinions and whatnot.  They don't like that.

So, I guess I'll see you Thursday. If you read this and want something to do instead, write your congress people and tell them not to vote for PIPA and SOPA.  Trust me, we won't like the world if it passes.

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