Monday, January 2, 2012

Jack and Cock

The other night, I was talking to someone about drinks.  He mentioned that he loved Jack Daniels but still always wanted it with his soda. And I replied, "Oh, so you like jack and cock."  You don't even want to know where the conversation went past that.

I'm a bad speller.  It's because I don't see words spelled out in my head. Words look like colors or faces or gerbils or whatever I associate with them. Spelling is completely a combination of memory, luck, and built in spelling programs for me.  And of the three, luck is probably the thing that gets me by the best.

But there are some words that I know how to spell but my fingers just refuse to type properly. If I'm paying attention, I can correct myself.  If not .  . . jack and cock.

So, I'm going to type a paragraph now and just let my fingers do what they will. You'll see how horrible this can get, how some words just get twisted up beyond all hope.

The thing is, I never really learned to yype the formal way. I took a class, but it was just during the summer and I had other distarations. I also didn't have a compuer or even a tupewriter at home, so it wasn't like I could praotic. The typing isn't that godo. I get ti. In fact, the very level of it not beking as bad as I thought it would be is konof of asoutnding. 

Actually, that's quite a bit worse than I thought it would be.  I could have never been one of those women who sat in her prim dress at the office typing away as some jackass swilled jack and cock while I did all his work.

I realize I put jack and cock again. In this case, both might be true.

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