Friday, January 13, 2012

Ten Questions and Answers

I decided to be lazy and just answer questions tonight instead of thinking up my own topics. Deal.

1. What do you have on your bedside table? My bedside "table" is actually a desk.  On it is my makeup case, a lamp, my CPAP, and usually a water bottle. The desk itself has two drawers, one holds medical supplies for the CPAP, one holds near and dear things to me, like old birthday cards and stuff, and one holds my various knitted gloves and hats.

In the place where the chair would go for a normal person, I have a utility cart on wheels. The top shelf is kind of a catch-all for whatever. It usually has my glasses, hair brush, chap sticks, and other things. The next two shelves store things I want near me but don't need all the time like other medical supplies, nail polishes, and of course, the collection of hair accessories.

2. Do you have an tattoo? I have a flower on the back of my hand on the area between my index finger and my thumb. I adore it.

3. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't change my name so much as add to it. I would expand the basic "Lilly" out to "Lillith" because I think the concept of all that is Lillith suits me better. However, overall, I'm quite pleased with my name.

4. Do you believe in abstinence prior to marriage? I don't believe in marriage.  I mean, I realize it exists, but I think it's an outmoded concept that just sucks the life out of people and makes them miserable. And if you are starting to protest in your head that YOUR marriage isn't that way, whatever. Talk to me in ten years and see if you look at that differently, otherwise, consider yourself the very minor exception to the rule.

For me personally, as I would never marry and have had sex, clearly I don't believe in waiting for marriage for it.  And, actually, when I lost my virginity, I made sure it was with someone I didn't know and I would never see again. I didn't tell him I was a virgin and I didn't let him know afterwards.  That way, the experience was completely about me and not about any bullshit male gain he could have gotten from it.

5. What is your worst habit? I would say all of my bad habits are probably equally bad. However, in terms of general destruction and discomfort, I think the one that causes me the most pain is the fact that I will nervously peel the skin off my lower lip. I don't just bite it, I'll worry the skin until it come loose and then I'll rip it off.....and make my lip bleed.  I'm trying to stop this, but I've been trying for years.

6. What is your biggest pet peeve?  Sometimes when cats run, they have this thing where they will extend their claws out. I guess it's for traction or something? Anyway, it makes the most annoying sound and as much as I love cats, that sound drives me bonkers. I hates it forever.

7. What is your biggest guilty pleasure? I would have to say my biggest guilty pleasure is Gossip Girl. I started watching it a few months ago and totally love it. It's kind of like the flagship of CW shows . . . you know, kind of soap opera-y and vapid . . . but it doesn't pretend to be anything BUT that. In another life, I want to be Blair Waldorf.

8. Are you worried about anything right now? I can only choose one thing?  I'm worried about tons of things right now.  However, if I take this out of the realm of stuff about me, I'm mostly concerned for my aunt who will be having knee replacement surgery in the next few months. I really hope it goes well and that she sees improvement in her life because of it.

9. What is an important political issue at the moment? I think the most important issue on my mind at the moment is SOPA and PIPA not passing.  Not only will these two bills fundamentally change the way the internet works and how we interact with it, it will also change a lot of things about my life. I feel so strongly about this issue that I plan to boycott any organization that supported it, which means I won't be going to movies any more and, unless EA games backs off of its support, I'll never play Sims again.

10. What was the funnest thing about your day? Laughing with my friends, cuddling with the cats, taking a really long nap, and watching fuzzy birds be cute an d fuzzy.

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