Friday, January 27, 2012

The Worlds In My Eyes

My imagination is my favorite place to be.  Yeah, I know that line is hackneyed and often said, but in my case, it's actually true. I love the weird crazy place inside my head.

All of my life, I've had a pretty vivid and active imagination. My brother and I had our own make believe world. I've roleplayed with almost everyone I know, creating not just characters but lands, empires, universes, mythologies, and histories. Of all the things that happen in my life that are half-assed, the stuff that goes on inside my brain never is. I spin stories and I entertain people.  It's what I do, why I'm here.

Everyone has their tools for surviving life. Imagination is how I've managed to cope and stay at least passably sane. Back when I was a kid, I'd pull myself through the rough patches by pretending about a better future.  A time when I was in charge of my own destiny, with no mother or craziness to chaotically ruin things for me.  Not sure that ever happened, but I could usually release enough happy brain chemicals to sooth me through the process.

It's also how I keep from getting really bored. I can always entertain myself with my brain. I tell myself stories and create strange little people to amuse me. I rewrite endings to books, I explore relationships between characters I think have great chemistry, I think way too much about Arthurian legend.

Now, I'm sure there is a lot of unhealthiness to this . . . or so some people would say. They probably believe that being inside one's head so much isn't a good thing. It keeps one from being in the real world and dealing with what is going on around them. There might even be some validity to this.

I don't care though. I like my brain. It IS my favorite place to be.  It always will be until my brain goes way.  Assuming it does go away. I have plans to have my head frozen in a jar.

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