Sunday, December 23, 2012

Eve Eve

My family and I did holiday stuff tonight. Despite the fact that I'm still not feeling 100%, I managed to get through the evening without too much trouble. I had to talk myself down from a panic attack twice, but I managed to do it. I find that I'm far more prone towards panic attacks when I'm sick. Probably because I know I don't really have the strength to handle much.

I also felt bad about leaving my roomie at home. He's sick right now and I hated to leave him by himself. If he's not feeling better tomorrow, I doubt I'll go to the other family event. He doesn't think he has the same sick that I did, but if it's anywhere near as bad, I want to hang around so he doesn't have to be alone during all that mess.

Everyone seemed to like the gifts I got them.  My sister-in-law was very pleased with the gifts I got the kids and even loved what I got my niece because she had one when she was a kid. I liked my gifts a lot as well. My step-mother is wonderful about getting whatever is on your list and then adding neat little touches to it. This year that included a fold up bag that is quite roomy once unfolded. I love it a lot. I think I'm going to use it to replace my yarn bag because it's about to die.

By far, the best gift is the Skullcandy earbuds my brother got me. OH HOLY HELL they are wonderful! It just puts a whole new spin on the music. Love them SO much.

Tomorrow I shall be 39 and I plan on doing a post about that . . . you know, assuming I am alive and not sick and nothing is ruining my ability to write said post. Here's hoping.

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