Thursday, December 13, 2012

Your Name is Tattooed on Every Boy's Skin

The amazing Amanda Palmer suggested this video on her blog. I watched it and cried. I watched it again and cried again. Then later tonight, after I'd been told some heartbreaking news, I cried again.

The video features an aging drag queen. I suppose that could be polarizing for some people, but I don't think it is in this case. The pathos of this video transcends anyone's moral standings. This video is about the love one feels for someone who is older and amazing, but has grown fragile over the years and will soon be out of our reach.

If there is anything universal, it is this concept. When we are kids, we have all these adults in our lives. Some of them are difficult, some are amazing, and some are just baffling to us. Yet all of them appear larger than life. The events they choose to make us a part of feel festivals. When you're a four year old, dancing around the table with your grandmother feels magical. When she blows you a kiss, you feel it hit your cheek.

But as we age and become stronger and bigger, they age too. They grow fragile and small. It seems like the moments when we find ourselves really being that person they inspired us to be, they are fading away.

There is this moment when you're standing there, being an adult, and watching as the person who was larger than life to you is dying. You never feel so powerless, so helpless, or so small. The person who could make the whole world seem okay is now going to be gone from it. You realize you're still a child inside. You still need them. And it's too late.

I have many amazing moments in my life. I've had times when I felt completely in control of things, times when I felt like the whole future was laid out in front of me so perfectly. I've spent hours laughing so hard I lost my voice. I am very grateful for all of this.  I am so grateful for every kiss blown to me, every dance around the table, and every moment when I nestled against the arm of the person reading to me. I hold those moments close to me heart. Forever.

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