Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Boom my Bippy!

Perspective is everything, man. I'm sure the people who live in all the houses around me who keep shooting off fireworks at all hours of the day and night see it as a great time and can't imagine why anyone would possibly want to grind them into paste over it. I, on the other hand, somewhat want to grind them into paste and then never allow them to see anything sparkle or hear anything go boom again.

The fireworks constantly disrupt our conversations. They break our peace of mind. They scare the cats and the dogs who live in the neighborhood. After a while, everything starts to stink like fireworks and once too many have been set off in a row, there is a layer of smoke that chokes me. As far as I am concerned, these people are evil.

Of course, as far as they are concerned, they're not evil. They're just having a good time and being patriotic. This is Merca and it's what we do to celebrate that fact. We make things go BOOM over and over and over and over and over again. Anyone who doesn't feel that way is joyless and probably evil.

And do I see MYSELF as evil? Um......not completely. I certainly don't see myself as joyless. I just see myself as someone who doesn't like to listen to, see, or smell fireworks for days on end.

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