Wednesday, July 10, 2013

In Case You Didn't Realize . . .

Lately, I've been reading a lot of stuff in comments and articles and FB posts about the 'failings' of Feminism. I'm not talking about the fact that women are still having to fight for control over their own bodies and don't get equal pay. No, no, none of this stuff has anything to do with women at all.

Nope! This is stuff about men. "Feminists work so hard to try to get money for breast cancer research but they're not doing anything to help prostate cancer!" "Feminists aren't addressing male rape in prison." "Why aren't Feminists addressing the issues of equal consideration in custody cases?" "Why aren't the Feminists spending more time educating men and boys about how they should act around women now because it seems like there aren't as many women interested in getting married."

Stop it.

Right now, feminists are busy trying to take care of stuff for women. There is a whole realm of stuff where women are concerned that is still huge and problematic and difficult. Those issues need to be addressed, handled, rallied about, written over, fought for, and thought about. This is what we're focused on.

Also, maybe some people just don't get this, but one of the reasons why Feminism exists is because women were tired of having to be the ones to take care of everything. They didn't want to be the plucky little helpers anymore. They didn't want to make everyone's beds, listen to everyone's problems, and make life just a tad bit sunnier for the rest of you.

So please, when you see a group of women raising money for breast cancer research, do not wonder why they're not doing it for men instead and certainly don't resent them for it. If you read an article about how we shouldn't talk to little girls about their looks, don't automatically respond with something that begins "but what about the boys?" Don't get angry when they don't help you with stuff or when they don't smile when you thought they should. Just focus on what YOU can do to make things better. You.

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